Much applause at the "blood red" finale
The moment had been long awaited - and now it was finally here: the reading of the Blutroten Kriminalgeschichten. In the well-filled jury courtroom of the Osnabrück Regional Court, Evelyn Meier, Klara Lanfermann-Baumann, Kerstin Frintrop, Annika Niehues, Katharina Krumma, Salima Kopainig and Maria Becker read their stories for the first time before a large audience. From the judge's chair at the head of the room, framed by Anja Rützel and Frederik Kathmann, who led the writing workshop and also through this evening, they read their contribution to the anthology "Königsblau" to the audience. Each of them enjoyed sustained applause from the audience. And it was well deserved, because as different as the stories from a Westphalian village in 1966, a dim theater or a magical lagoon city were, they all had one thing in common: they convinced with their class, captivated the audience; made them laugh, made them shudder.
The exciting crime stories were accompanied by Anna-Lena Voltz (vocals) and Tim Neckermann (guitar), who contributed "murder ballads" from Johnny Cash to Ella Fitzgerald to the evening, and in turn received well-deserved applause.
Blood red crime stories in the district court of Osnabrück

A meter-high Justitia watches over the jury courtroom of the Osnabrück Regional Court with a calm gaze.
On Saturday, November 19, at 7 p.m., the imposing mural will not see any criminals for a change, but nine up-and-coming female authors who will present their "Blood Red Crime Stories.
Psychological abysses, long fermented plans for revenge or just plain greed? There is hardly a subject where one can fabulate so beautifully in the complex - and sometimes frighteningly simple - human psyche as in crime stories. Reason enough for "Königsblau" - The Writing Workshop of the Friedel & Gisela Bohnenkamp Foundation to dye itself blood red for the duration of a workshop. For five days, female investigators enthusiastic about writing explored the genre conventions of this traditional narrative genre, playing with expectations and their breaks in their own approaches. In the process, they trained their own eye and honed their narrative voices.
On the evening of November 19, the nine participants will read from their texts created in the writing workshop in the jury courtroom of the district court and present their personal crime worlds. In addition, the leadership team of the writing workshop, Spiegel columnist Anja Rützel and press officer Frederik Kathmann, will provide an insight into their work as writers during the week at the Malgarten monastery and read their own texts. The event will be musically accompanied by an Osnabrück duo consisting of Anna-Lena Voltz (vocals) and Tim Neckermann (guitar), who will give the reading the right sound with their own compositions and cover versions of dark pop songs.
The "Anthology Königsblau - Writing Workshop 2021" will also be presented on this evening. This 100-page collection of texts provides an overview of the literary wealth and diversity that distinguishes the participants. Their crime scenes are supplemented by contributions from Anja Rützel, Michael Prior and Frederik Kathmann, as well as an interview with the criminologist and profiler Axel Petermann, who already provided input from the world of criminology with his lecture at the writing workshop itself. Guests are welcome, admission is free. Registration is not required.
No "blood-red crime stories" at the culture night
Osnabrück, September 1, 2022
As part of the Culture Night, nine up-and-coming female authors were to present their "Blood Red Crime Stories" from the "Königsblau" writing workshop on September 3 at 7 pm. Unfortunately, the event has to be postponed due to illness. A new date is expected to take place later this year.
The writing workshop "Königsblau" itself was already under the sign of the pandemic: the stay in the Malgarten monastery planned for October 2020 had to be postponed, and the event had to be made up for in the fall of 2021. Now this fate also hits the reading "Blutrote Kriminalgeschichten" and the presentation of the "Anthology Königsblau - Schreibwerkstatt 2021", which collects texts from the writing workshop. Due to illness, the reading has to be postponed, which was to take place as part of the Culture Night on September 3 at 7 p.m. in the Great Jury Courtroom of the Osnabrück Regional Court.
A new date for the event has not yet been set. However, the "Blutroten Kriminalgeschichten" and the accompanying 100-page anthology are to be presented to the public before the end of the year. The planned form, location and personnel are also to remain the same: The nine participants of the writing workshop will read from their texts in the jury courtroom of the regional court, Spiegel columnist Anja Rützel and Frederik Kathmann, press officer of the Bohnenkamp Foundation, will moderate the event. Anna-Lena Voltz (vocals) and Tim Neckermann (music) are also to contribute their cover versions of dark pop songs at the new date.

The Friedel & Gisela Bohnenkamp Foundation promotes literary talent - with the Königsblau writing workshop, the foundation has established a format that offers adults of all ages time out in which they can devote themselves exclusively to their writing skills. From October 25 to 29, 2021, the nine participants lived, learned and wrote at the invitation of the Bohnenkamp Foundation in the Malgarten Monastery near Bramsche. Under the guidance of journalist and author Anja Rützel and press officer Frederik Kathmann, they pushed ahead with their writing projects. Case analyst and author Axel Petermann provided a creative impulse to start the writing process with his lecture on the second day of the program. At the end of the week there was a reading in a small group, which already points to the future, because in the coming year there will also be the possibility for the public to hear the texts from the pens of the authors. When and where is not yet clarified and so one is sure: It remains exciting.
The following Königsblauen moments honor a week under the sign of writing. Frederik Kathmann shares with them short stories from the Königsblau writing workshop. They are highlights of the events in and around the Malgarten Monastery.
The portal
It is autumn. But not as in the cliché, gloomy and rainy - no. The warm evening air covers the gentle landscape like a blanket. The former Benedictine monastery of Malgarten stands out against the clear starry sky. In front of me, the small church tower stretches up into the air as if to greet the moon and the stars in person and congratulate them on their successful play of light. Enviously, the grave lights below in the small cemetery flicker in the next warm breeze. Even at the beginning of my week, Malgarten Monastery makes every effort to tell stories. Slowly and carefully I walk ahead. The strap of the heavy travel bag full of books and everything else needed for a week of writing workshop cuts into my shoulder. Step by step I approach the monastery door - the portal to a week full of experiences, full of impressions, full of literature. Hesitantly, I place my hand on the cool handle made of tarnished iron. It absorbs the warmth as if to welcome me. I step inside.
The lamp
There is a lamp on the table. A black lacquered one like one might expect to find on an investigator's desk. A heavy, circular base holds a slender arm at the end of which a bowl-sized shade gives its socket to a bright light bulb. Unlike many of her other lamp companions, she has traveled extensively. A deep scratch testifies to her adventures. Life on a single table must have been too bland for her, so she set out. In her bright cone of light stretching across a wooden table, life-tanned hands hold a book: "The Diagrams of Death" is written on it. Slowly, fingers seek the bottom of the page, apply gentle pressure, then slap it across. The hands belong to the author of the book himself, who reads from his text in the glow of his adventurous lamp. His name is Petermann, Axel Petermann. Former head of the first homicide unit in Bremen, case analyst from the very beginning. A man who has had to face crime in his career. Had to? He not only had to, he wanted to. Why will remain his secret, but one thing is clear: he dedicated his life to dealing with the most serious breach of taboo - the crime against the life of another human being. The participants of the writing workshop listen spellbound, following the prologue of his crime novel. After that, Petermann takes his time. Time to let what he has read take effect. It is the scenic introduction to an evening in which he describes his life, how he went from conscientious objector to commissioner to author. He has brought photographs from his time as an investigator. Images that convey the imprint that crime leaves on the canvas of the everyday. Images that make you think and humble - and yet also arouse interest. Why does this particular situation show up at the crime scene, what caused a person to leave it like this? Petermann explains, describes, typifies the mainly male perpetrators and their behavior. Then he devotes himself to the questions of the audience. They are looking for answers, to understand what they have seen. And they look for advice to sharpen their crime projects on the edges of reality. A reality that Petermann has brought to them today.
The zero number
A toy pug the size of a mouse stands on the table. Next to him is a small, brown notebook. A logo has been printed on it by hand in blue ink. An octopus entwines elegant letters: "Königsblau - Die Schreibwerkstatt der Friedel & Gisela Bohnenkamp-Stiftung". The little dog - he was christened Mopsi - has passed through many hands in the last few days. Hands of people who dedicated an entire week to writing. People who had intense conversations about their ideas, their language, their plot. Whoever held Mopsi or put it in front of them had their turn, gave new input on the content of the crime novel or read out their latest text. Today, however, it is not Mopsi who wanders around. It's the participants who come to him. To the front of the table where he is already waiting. They come forward for their first reading - their zero number.
Katharina takes heart, voluntarily she will make the beginning. She leaves her old seat and joins the little pug at the table set up in front of the U-shape. She settles in, then sits down and tells her story: a young woman who commits and covers up her crimes like a spider in a web. A detective named Cohen who is no match for her. A work of art, painted with her father's blood. Then Katharina recites a scene from this story - word for word. The others listen intently. At the end, she looks expectantly into the round, which rewards her zero number with the applause it deserves. Salima is next to go forward: in her story, a forensic case analyst hunts down a serial killer and becomes the target of the investigation herself....
And so each outlines her blood-red crime story, each proudly recites a scene: The stories lead from a small Westphalian village in 1966, to a lagoon city of the future, whose buildings are constructed from wooden wreckage. They deal with a deceased school principal whose case is uncovered by students; with a nouveau riche snob who, in a moment of weakness, commissions a murder and can't stop it. Of a young journalist who investigates the theater world after finding incriminating files. Of a podcaster who investigates a mysterious missing person case with her oddball grandpa. These are stories as varied and interesting as the women who wrote them. So exciting, in fact, that they're bound to find an audience larger than the day they hit zero.
The community

Anja, Annika, Evelyn, Frederik, Jule, Katharina, Kerstin, Klara, Maria, Salima, Viktoria - a group of names. Names that stand for people. People who go into a week with a common goal - to devote themselves to literature, to devote themselves to their own crime literature. After a week, it has become more than just names. A community has been formed. A community of remembering what has been experienced, learned, written. A royal blue community.
The 2021 writing workshop begins!
Osnabrück, October 25, 2021
Punctually at 9:00 a.m. our Writing Workshop 2021 started today at the Malgarten Monastery in Bramsche!
New date for the writing workshop Blood Red Crime Stories!
Osnabrück, November 2020
The first big disappointment about the cancellation of our writing workshop in October has given way in the meantime. Unfortunately, developments in recent weeks have only confirmed our decision. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the participants and the staff of the Malgarten Monastery for their understanding.
We have now decided to postpone the writing workshop to the last week of October in the fall of 2021. All selected participants and also Mrs. Rützel immediately agreed to make this new date possible. And with the support of Ms. Rützel and our press officer Mr. Kathmann, who will lead the writing workshop together with Ms. Rützel, we will all stay in touch and be highly motivated to make a new attempt next year. The Malgarten Monastery will also remain the venue - thanks to Bramsche for immediately agreeing to the new date.
Stay excited!
Cancellation Writing Workshop 2020
Osnabrück, October 9, 2020
We received many interesting applications and 12 selected participants, Anja Rützel and we as a foundation were full of anticipation for an exciting week in the Malgarten Monastery in Bramsche.
But: we unfortunately have to cancel our writing workshop this year due to the current and yet ultimately surprising development in the context of the Corona pandemic today.
One person from our event group would travel from an inner-German risk area, which is a problem since yesterday or formally by decree as of tomorrow in the state of Lower Saxony, as this person would not be allowed to be accommodated. We have to comply with this legal directive. We regret the cancellation very much.
More information about the writing workshop soon on this page!